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Historic Landscape Survey of Clee Liberty
This report comprises an assessment of the historic environment and archaeological features of Clee Liberty including a discussion of their value and significance in the historic landscape. The report forms the basis for the Historic Environment activities offered and carried out as part of the Our Upland Commons project during 2021 -2023.
Our Common Cause: Our Upland Commons Project Executive Summary
Our Common Cause: Our Upland Commons was a landmark project that worked to conserve, enhance and broaden understanding of the cultural and natural heritage of commons and commoning in upland England, working in the Lake District, Dartmoor, the Yorkshire Dales and Shropshire Hills. Read the project’s executive summary.
Hill Sheep Husbandry in England
This guide presents a set of principles of hill sheep husbandry but recognises that practice must be flexible, combining art and science, providing for particular sheep in particular places at particular times. The evolution of hill sheep husbandry is described and analysed as a set of key principles. The relationship between soils, vegetation, and grazing is examined, and an overview of the nutritional value of commonly grazed plants is provided. All aspects are illustrated by reference to science and development studies supported with illustrations.
Common land and commoning leaflet
This leaflet is available to download and has jointly been produced by AONBs, National Parks England, National Sheep Association, Foundation for Common Land, Dartmoor Commoners Council, New Forest Commoners Defence Association, Federation of Cumbria Commoners.
Common Land Toolkit
This toolkit provides 20 Fact Sheets and Guidance Notes. These documents provide practical guidance for those involved with common land, which remains under practical agricultural management by farmers and commoners. They can be used by practitioners seeking the sustainable management of commons to provide the widest possible range of public benefits.
Common land farming systems in Northern Spain
A group of commoners from Cumbria and Dartmoor took part in a study tour to look at common land farming systems in Northern Spain. A short report written by Dave Smith, Chairman of the Federation of Cumbria Commoners (FCC) , along with a longer report written by Viv Lewis, FCC administrator, are available to download.
State of commoning in Wales report (2015)
This report investigates the state of commoning in Wales in 2015.
Trends in Pastoral Commoning
This report was commissioned by Natural England to provide an understanding of the extent, role and significance of pastoral commoning in England and to identify trends from which likely future scenarios can be predicted.
Supporting common grazings through agri-environment
This report examines the reasons for a very low uptake of agri-environment schemes on common grazings in Scotland, even though these are natural candidates for this type of scheme.
The Apportionment of Agri-Environment Schemes Monies on Common Land in England
This 2013 report, commissioned by the Foundation for Common Land and supported by the European Forum for Nature Conservation and Pastoralism, examines the distribution and management of agri-environment scheme (AES) funds on common land across England.
High Nature Value Farming in Europe
This landmark volume provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject and outlines how the concept can be applied in 35 European states. It is richly illustrated throughout with colour photographs, maps and figures.
Trends in Common Grazing (2010)
This report fills a critical gap in policy analysis by providing a more detailed, updated, and geographically accurate understanding of common grazing lands in Scotland. It also presents an overview of the social and economic state of common grazing in Scotland in 2010.
Common Land Research
The Contested Common Land project was a collaborative project between Newcastle Law School, Lancaster University History Department and the Informatics Research Institute at Newcastle University. It aimed to examine the environmental governance of common land from an interdisciplinary, historical and contemporary perspective.
The project has now drawn to a close but there is a website which serves as an archive of the project.
Contested Common Land (Book)
This book makes a major contribution to common pool resource studies. It offers a new perspective on the sustainable governance of common resources with multiple, often conflicting, uses.
Common Agricultural Policy Reform (2013)
A joint policy document proposing a system of payments to promote a model for more environmentally and economically sustainable farming in Europe.
A Common Purpose: A Guide to Community Engagement for those Contemplating Management on Common Land
This 2012 document provides guidance concerning community engagement and consensus building for those contemplating works on common land. Mainly written for lowland commons with no active graziers, where there is a range of stakeholders with no legal interest but a strong emotional interest—in recreation, natural history or archaeology, for instance. The principles can also be applied to actively grazed upland commons.
Better Outcomes on Upland Commons (2015 Report)
This report presents data from five upland commons across England to draw out the characteristics of the successful delivery of multiple outcomes over the same area of land.
Defra / Natural England- Government Guidance on Common Land
Government guidance on managing common land, including how to know if land is common land, commoner and landowner rights over the land, and the groups you can set up to manage it.