High Nature Value Farming in Europe 

High Nature Value Farming (HNV) in Europe

HNV farming has been a priority of EU rural development policy since 2005, but until now there has been no reference book on the subject. With the publication of High Nature Value Farming in Europe, EFNCP, with our collaborators IFAB Mannheim, have at last filled the gap. This landmark volume is introduced by a joint foreword by EU Commissioners Dacian Cioloş and Janez Potočnik. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject and outlines how the concept can be applied in 35 European states, as described by local experts. It is a 500 page volume richly illustrated throughout with colour photographs, maps and figures.

Author(s):  Edited by Rainer Oppermann, Guy Beaufoy and Gwyn Jones (2012)

Katy Carlisle

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