Common land benefits
Commons contribute more to the environment than any other farmland in Britain.
For many years, we have suspected that commons provide more public benefits than other agricultural land. Now we have the figures to prove it.
Upland commons play a significant role in mitigating climate change. Their peat soils store millions of tons of carbon. Britain has 12% of Europe’s peatlands, and half of all Scottish commons are on peat soils.
Upland commons are also crucial for water provision and flood management. Their peat soils and mosses are sponges that prevent the rapid release of water, which can cause floods downstream. Over 10% of all drinking water comes from common land.
The special importance of common land has developed following centuries of farmers gazing their livestock on stable, unploughed soils free from chemical input. This has provided ideal conditions for protecting thousands of ancient monuments, ranging from henges and stone circles to hill forts, and for conserving wildlife, including some of Britain’s rarest birds.
Access and tourism
See how common land supports public access and boosts tourism.
Common land plays a crucial role in farming practices.
Discover how upland commons have preserved archaeology and history through millennia.
Carbon management
Peatland commons help store carbon and mitigate climate change.
Commons have shaped rural traditions and local communities for centuries.
Local and heritage breeds
Explore the vital connection between heritage breeds and common land.
Precious resource
Explore how common land delivers vital public and environmental benefits.
Discover how upland commons benefit the environment and economy.
Water and flood management
Learn how common land secures water supplies and helps prevent flooding.
Uncover the rich biodiversity on some of Britain’s common land.