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Holne Moor - Assessment of Habitat Suitability of Fritilliary Butterflies
This report provides an overview of the habitat management to increase fritillary numbers and survey results. It is a useful reference document of what to do to improve the quality and extent of breeding habitat for two of the UK’s most threatened and rapidly declining butterflies, the High Brown Fritillary, Fabriciana Adippe and Pearl Bordered Fritillary, Boloria Euphosyne.
Whinchat Dartmoor Breeding Habitat Study
A study assessing Dartmoor’s breeding bird data to identify why Whinchats have disappeared from some areas but not others, in the hope of securing the future of this species across Dartmoor commons and informing conservation efforts across similar landscapes elsewhere. Recommendations are now available for Dartmoor farmers and commoners to help bring back Whinchat-friendly features to their land and boost breeding habitat for the birds.
Breeding Bird Survey, Brant Fell
This report details the findings of the breeding bird survey undertaken in three areas of scrub on Brant Fell which provide a habitat for some of our red-listed species. We had hoped to find yellowhammers, but only one was observed. Linnet and song thrush were the most numerous species. The findings will help inform future management of the common.
Our Common Cause: Our Upland Commons Project Executive Summary
Our Common Cause: Our Upland Commons was a landmark project that worked to conserve, enhance and broaden understanding of the cultural and natural heritage of commons and commoning in upland England, working in the Lake District, Dartmoor, the Yorkshire Dales and Shropshire Hills. Read the project’s executive summary.
Common land and commoning leaflet
This leaflet is available to download and has jointly been produced by AONBs, National Parks England, National Sheep Association, Foundation for Common Land, Dartmoor Commoners Council, New Forest Commoners Defence Association, Federation of Cumbria Commoners.
Common Land Toolkit
This toolkit provides 20 Fact Sheets and Guidance Notes. These documents provide practical guidance for those involved with common land, which remains under practical agricultural management by farmers and commoners. They can be used by practitioners seeking the sustainable management of commons to provide the widest possible range of public benefits.
High Nature Value Farming in Europe
This landmark volume provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject and outlines how the concept can be applied in 35 European states. It is richly illustrated throughout with colour photographs, maps and figures.
Natural England Publications Catalogue
Natural England's Access to Evidence catalogue. All of their records are free, and unless otherwise stated, they are only available as a PDF download.
Common Land Research
The Contested Common Land project was a collaborative project between Newcastle Law School, Lancaster University History Department and the Informatics Research Institute at Newcastle University. It aimed to examine the environmental governance of common land from an interdisciplinary, historical and contemporary perspective.
The project has now drawn to a close but there is a website which serves as an archive of the project.