State of commoning in Wales report (2015)

This study set out to investigate the state of commons by grazing management in Wales. A significant element in this was to cast some light on the commonly-held view that there is or has been a decline in the number of active graziers and important and worrying changes in the pattern of succession.

Key Messages

1. Graziers recognise the value of commoning as an agricultural, cultural and environmental practice.

2. Resilience in commoning is drawn from tradition, practice, knowledge, collective discussion and action.

3. Change on commons is a constant, but the current rate of change in succession to the practice is of significant concern.

4. There is a threshold number of commoners beyond whom management becomes non-economic, which is associated with the size of the common.

5. The size and location of commons affect their ability to be resilient to change, small, but agriculturally viable commons will be the most resilient to environmental and economic uncertainty.

6. The condition of legally registered common land is fundamental in achieving environmental policy commitments within national and European designations

7. Support from Pillar 1 payments requires parity, and should incentivise active practice on the poorest quality land at the highest risk of abandonment.

8. Commoning practice should be evaluated and recognized for its role in natural resource management

9. Communication within the commoning community and with external public and private bodies needs to be improved

10.Fundamental to the commons well-being is the ability to co-produce with partners policy that will positively impact upon commoning practice, within the context of a national vision and strategy which will provide confidence in the practice for the next generation

Author(s): Sion Brackenbury (2015)

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.

Common land farming systems in Northern Spain


Trends in Pastoral Commoning