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Grassington Moor - Peatland Restoration Plan
This report describes the results of a survey carried out by Yorkshire Peat Partnership between February and March 2022.
The survey was carried out in 3 parts: an initial desk-based survey of aerial photographs, which helped make an initial assessment of the type of work that might be needed; the field survey, where information about the grips, gullies, hags and bare peat as well as the vegetation communities and peat depth is recorded onto a hand-held mapper; and a desk-based post survey of the area using a combination of the aerial photography and walkover survey data to classify erosion features.
Geophysical surveys at Bodbury Ring and Novers Hill on Longmynd, Summer 2022
This report describes the results of archaeological geophysical investigations with the aim of enhancing our understanding of the archaeological resource within the common lands of Shropshire and, in particular, relating to prehistoric activity on the Longmynd. The surveys were undertaken at two scheduled sites, Bodbury Ring (LEN: 1009309), a large univallate hillfort situated above Cardingmill Valley. The second was Novers Hill (LEN: 1008385), a small enclosure and building platform located near the summit of Novers Hill.
Archaeological Excavation at Clee Burf, Clee Liberty 2022
This report describes the results of archaeological investigation at Clee Burf, the south east side of Clee Liberty Common, which took place in June 2022 with volunteers from the local community. It was part of the second year of historical environment projects with focus on the medieval period and includes excavations of bell pits and boundary banks.
Archaeological Excavation at Pole Cottage, Longmynd 2022
This report describes the results of archaeological trenching at Pole Cottage, a demolished building and enclosure at the top of the Longmynd. This fieldwork, carried out by volunteers from the local community and surrounding area, was part of the investigations into the history and archaeology of the Longmynd, an area of heath and moorland in the west of the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
I’ll take the High Road – A community based survey and excavation project
This report describes the results of a community-based survey and excavation project investigating the presence of the High Street Roman Road on Bampton Common. The form and route of the road has been the cause of much speculation, we aim to address this by finding evidence of the road and its construction.
Breeding Bird Survey, Brant Fell
This report details the findings of the breeding bird survey undertaken in three areas of scrub on Brant Fell which provide a habitat for some of our red-listed species. We had hoped to find yellowhammers, but only one was observed. Linnet and song thrush were the most numerous species. The findings will help inform future management of the common.
Nordy Bank Fieldwork Report 2021
This report describes the results of archaeological investigation of the ramparts of the Nordy Bank hillfort and the repairs carried out to sheep scrapes and bare patches by volunteers during 2021. The hillfort is a Scheduled Monument, and consent was obtained from Historic England.
Historic Landscape Survey of Clee Liberty
This report comprises an assessment of the historic environment and archaeological features of Clee Liberty including a discussion of their value and significance in the historic landscape. The report forms the basis for the Historic Environment activities offered and carried out as part of the Our Upland Commons project during 2021 -2023.
Towards a Sustainable Future for our Nation's Common Land
The four-year Our Common Cause project was designed to be a focus for concerted and collaborative action. It signified a step-change from talking, convening and championing, to a time of action filled with demonstrating, delivering and empowering.