Defra Test & Trials
The Foundation for Common Land is delighted to be working on two Defra Test and Trials for the new Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELM). This is a key opportunity to feedback our findings directly to policy makers.
Co-Designing a Delivery Model for ELM on Commons
Our first test and trial in conjunction with the Federation of Cumbria Commoners was to design and test and trial a delivery model for commons across England. Our Test and Trial involved working across 6 commons.
Read a one page summary for an overview of the project.
Our test and trial is now complete and our final report is available.
Lowland Commons Landscape Recovery ELM Test and Trial
Our second test and trial will look and Landscape wide recovery on the Lowland aiming to answer the question; “How can we deliver multiple outcomes at landscape scale on commons?”
For an overview of the project you can read a one page summary.
Road Testing of SFI Moorland: August 2022 to July 2023 ELM Test and Trial
In July 2022 the Foundation for Common Land (FCL) was awarded a contract with DEFRA to undertake a unique Test and Trial (T&T). We will be Road Testing SFI22 Moorland Standard on three upland Commons. The findings of the T&T will feedback directly to the policy team to inform the development of a new Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELM) in England.
ELMs Tests and Trials on Commons - ORFC 2020
We were delighted at the Oxford Real Farming Conference to run a session on our Environmental Land Management Scheme Test and Trial on Common Land. This Test and Trial is being run jointly with the Federation of Cumbria Commoners and is funded by Defra. The findings will input to the new payments for public benefits which will replace the current Defra Support Schemes