Cash & Commoning: Maximising Profits for Upland Farmers - FREE Webinar

In this webinar we take a focus on finances, hearing from three different speakers. Despite high market prices, upland farming is experiencing unprecedented economic challenges, through the loss of BPS and high costs. Upland commons are no exception.

We’ll start the evening exploring the findings of a three-year long research project creating a profit and loss balance sheet for grazing Dartmoor Commons. Then we’ll move on to look how you can increase the profitability of your upland farm business by identifying the Maximum Sustainable Output or ‘Sweet Spot’ - the point where farming will be at its most profitable, nature is optimised and energy use minimised. Lastly, we’ll demonstrate the Upland Farmer Toolkit – a new online tool to help you plan how to mitigate the loss of BPS.

This is a free public event, so feel free to share the details with anyone you feel may be interested. If you have any questions, please contact Keira Booth, or 07977840145

Tracy May: Administrator, Forest of Dartmoor Commoner's Association
Chris Clark, Nethergill Associates
Kev Bevan: K Bevan Consulting

If you know you cannot attend the webinar on the 20th June, you can still register as this means you will receive a link to the recording when it becomes available.


FREE Course Places worth £500 for Commoners and those Working on Commons


FREE Course Places worth £500 for Commoners and those Working on Commons