
Family Friendly FREE Events in the Yorkshire Dales this summer
As we see the end of lambing season for our commoners in the Yorkshire Dales, attention turns to the various public events happening in our area where you can meet a commoner, see some of the breeds of sheep they work with and learn how they are sheared. In addition learn more about peat, the wildlife habitats commonly found on commons and support the future sustainability of this ancient practice.
Come and see us at these family friendly, FREE events:
As we see the end of lambing season for our commoners in the Yorkshire Dales, attention turns to the various public events happening in our area where you can meet a commoner, see some of the breeds of sheep they work with and learn how they are sheared. In addition, learn more about peat, the wildlife habitats commonly found on commons and support the future sustainability of this ancient practice.
Come and see us at these family friendly, FREE events:
SheepFest – Sedbergh, Saturday 26th August. A fun filled family day with a plethora of sheep themed events throughout the day plus Open Farm Day *TBC, meet a commoner on their farm to get a taste of farming life.
Take the Commons To Town – Temple Newsam, Saturday 2nd September in conjunction with RBST.
Eco Day – Sunday 10th September, Skipton Town Hall. Discussing habitats, peat, wildlife, carbon and sustainable farming.
For more information get in touch: claire@foundationforcommonland.
Image Credits: Rob Fraser

The Historic Environment of Clee Liberty - An Introduction to the Industrial Period
This is an opportunity to get some background to the industrial history of Clee St Margaret and Clee Liberty Common and details about the work we will be doing over the summer. This will include a walk, a talk, opportunity to do some research and another community excavation to get involved in!!
Everybody is welcome, especially those who haven't been involved yet, so please tell anyone who might be interested.
You don't need to book places but if you are thinking of attending please drop Matt an email via info@fearnheritage.co.uk - this is just so he can get an idea of numbers.
Download the poster here

Clee Liberty Historic Environment 2022 Results Event and 2023 Plans
Join Matt Williams from Fearn Heritage in the village hall where he will present all the findings from this year’s excavations and investigations. He will also set out what the plans are for next year when focus turns to the industrial heritage on the hill. This meeting starts at 7:30pm and will be held in Clee St Margaret Village Hall.
Please book by emailing Matt via info@fearnheritage.co.uk

Clee Liberty Yeld Medieval Walk
The walk is a walk around the edge of Clee Liberty common, looking at medieval and landscape features and boundaries under guidance from Matt Williams from Fearn Heritage and Archaeology, a nice way to round off the activities in this our second year. Please dress for the weather and bring your own refreshments. We expect to be out for about 2 to 2.5 hours. The terrain may be wet, slippery and uneven so wear suitable footwear. Meet at the Yeld car park at 10am.
Please book by emailing Matt via info@fearnheritage.co.uk

Clee Liberty - Towards a New Management Plan
Please join us at Clee St Margaret Village Hall on Monday 28 November at 7.30pm where we will present ideas for habitat improvements on Clee Liberty Common as a result of work that has been carried out under the Our Upland Commons Project and to discuss how we move forward from this point. This offers an opportunity for some exciting habitat developments to improve habitats for a number of species as well as other broader benefits.
Leo Smith, OUC bird project coordinator and Dr Jenny Joy with Mike Williams who have coordinated and delivered projects around butterflies and moths for the OUC project, have been working together this autumn, also with local residents, commoners/graziers, the Parish Council and also other specialists incl. Natural England, the National Trust and Shropshire Wildlife Trust and they will explain their combined ideas, how and why these may be beneficial and what particular species these are aimed at.
We then hope to spark a discussion about the merits, feasibility and resources needed for these interventions and gauge interest and priority levels and how we can map out plans how these can be taken forward by you, the combined local community, if that is what you want.
We hope for a full house at the meeting, and a good discussion and that this will ultimately lead to elements that can be incorporated into a new Management Plan for Clee Liberty in line with the vision that was drafted in the development phase of the OUC project.
Booking Essential - contact Renée Wallace (Renee@foundationforcommonland.org.uk) to reserve your place.

Spring Mire Restoration - Free Practical Training Workshop
Working in partnership with Dartmoor Headwaters Project, Foundation for Common land is delivering a practical one-day workshop in Spring Mire Restoration led by experienced contractor, Andy Coleman, Quantock and Exmoor Ltd.
This one-day workshop will cover the basics of practical spring mire restoration: building leaky dams, flow deflectors, woody dam blocks, low peat bunds and peat hag reprofiling.
You will also learn about the archaeology, CDM and other regulations that need to be considered when working in protected landscapes.
The workshops will take place on Harford Moor (map attached) and run from 9am-4pm on both days.
For more information contact Tamsin Thomas, Project Officer - 07890 047181 tamsin@foundationforcommonland.org.uk
Booking essential, please use the button below:
To find out more about Our Upland Commons Project visit https://foundationforcommonland.org.uk/our-upland-commons

The Making of the South Shropshire Landscape
Speaker: Dr Trevor Rowley
Date: Tuesday 20th September
Time: 2:30pm
Place: Clee St Margaret Village Hall
Space is limited within the hall so please email info@fearnheritage.co.uk if you would like to attend.
Refreshments will be available.

Great Gather Bracken Event
Please see the poster below for all the details.
Booking is essential. Contact the Dartmoor Hill Farm Project for more details: hfp@dartmoor.gov.uk

Meet a Commoner Weekend
We’ve a ‘Meet the Commoner’ drop-in event for anyone doing the Ingleton Waterfall trail this weekend. There’s a shearing demonstration and a chance to learn more about farming on commons.
If you are passing, come and say hi.

Bampton Common - join a quest to find out more about England's highest Roman road
People are invited to join a mission to discover the secrets of England’s highest Roman road, High Street on Bampton Common on the eastern Lake District fells.
The 2,000 year-old road linked to Roman forts at Penrith, to the north and Ambleside to the south, explans Eleanor Kingston from the Lake District national Park Authority who is leading the work.
It is part of a three-year, £3 million project, Our upland Commons, helping to secure the future of upland commons in England, led by the Foundation for Common Land. And made possible by grants from The National Lottery heritage Fund, Esmee Fairbairn and Garfield Weston Foundations and local funders.
“Roman roads were the arteries of the empire, connecting communities, cities, provinces and forts”, says Eleanor.
Iron Age Hillfort Workshop - Shropshire Hills
Our Upland Commons Iron Age Hillfort Workshop