Common land, access and tourism
Over a million hectares of common land and common grazing have rights of public access.
Many commons are notable for their high scenic value and include some of the nation’s most treasured landscapes, whilst others provide valuable greenspace close to centres of population. Commons attract tens of millions of visitors each year, contributing significantly to local economies and employment.
There is a right of access to almost all common land, where its unenclosed nature offers a sense of escape and freedom. Many of Britain’s National Parks contain extensive areas of common land. The Brecon Beacons, Dartmoor, Lake District, and New Forest each comprise more than one-third common land. Collectively, these four Parks receive almost 45 million visitor days per year, contributing £1.4 billion to local economies. Many Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) also contain extensive commons, including the Clwydian Range, the North Pennines, and the Surrey Hills.
Some 18 million people live within a four-hour drive of the Gower AONB, which contains 24 individual commons covering 70 square kilometres of hills, coastal cliffs, and estuaries. Some of Scotland’s most evocative landscapes are common grazings, including the Cuillins and Quirang of Skye, the machairs of Uist and Tiree, Iona, and much of Shetland. Tourism is a significant employer in Shetland, involving 8% of the workforce. The islands have over 100,000 visitors per annum, contributing £16 million to the local economy.
Almost 50% of all access land in Wales, and 40% in England, is common land.
Large areas of common grazing in Scotland are located in National Scenic Areas such as Shetland, South Lewis, Harris and North Uist, and North West Sutherland.
Over 45% of common land in England and Wales lies within a National Park.
Four million visitors spend over £200 million each year in the Brecon Beacons National Park, one-third of which is common land.
Over 30% of common land in England falls within Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Over 59,000ha of the North Pennines AONB is common land.
Dartmoor National Park, which has 2.4 million visitors each year, is more than one-third common land.
Some 65% of the New Forest National Park is common land.
Visitors spend £952 million each year in the Lake District National Park, 30% of which is common land.
The importance of common land for access extends from the grandeur of the Lake District to urban commons such as Newcastle’s Town Moor. There are 122 registered commons in Greater London, with Hampstead Heath covering over 100ha. These provide scarce opportunities for relaxation, play, and observation of wildlife within stressful urban environments, and many are important for their historic and cultural associations. Surrey has over 9,000ha of common, accessible from major centres of population. Chobham Common alone is estimated to have 275,000 visits per year.