RPA Calculation of BPS for Common Rights

The RPA total the different types of grazing rights on the commons register claimed each year and converted the total into Livestock Units (LUs). The total number of LUs is then divided by the total area of the common to determine a notional area per LU. When commoners completed their BPS claim form the number of rights claimed are converted into LUs and then into a notional area so that the amount of BPS, subject to holding entitlements can be calculated. The amount of notional area allocated can vary each year as it depends on the total rights claimed for that year.

Here is an example from gov.uk:

Common land example calculation

How the value of the common land part of the BPS payment is calculated. The common has:

  • an eligible area of 300ha; and

  • grazing rights being claimed under BPS for 200 sheep and 70 cattle.

RPA must calculate the livestock unit (LU) value of all the rights being claimed for the common:

  • each sheep is equivalent to 0.15 LU, so the calculation for the sheep grazing rights being claimed is:

    200 sheep x 0.15 LU = 30 LU

  • each adult cow is 1 LU, so the calculation for the cattle grazing rights being claimed is:

    70 cattle x 1 LU = 70 LU

  • the total LU being claimed for the common is therefore:

    30 LU + 70 LU = 100 LU

  • the area to be allocated for each LU claimed for the common is calculated as:

    300ha / 100 LU = 3.0ha/LU

  • if the farmer declared 40 LU of rights to activate entitlements on their BPS2018 application they would be allocated 3.0ha/LU x 40 LU = 120ha of the total eligible area of the common

This area will be used to activate entitlements in the same way as any other land declared by the farmer on their application.


RPA Calculation of BPS for Owners Surplus


Basic Payment Scheme