Ongoing Administration for Common Agreements

Meetings and Administration can seem an unnecessary burden but are essential to ensure proper implementation of environmental schemes and avoid disputes within communities and with the RPA.  As with so much of life good communication encourages good practice and effective working relations between parties.

The Basics

  • Regular Meetings

    As a minimum there should be an AGM held each year to review how the scheme is working and any issues that have arisen and report to the members on the account for the year. Now that capital works are often required it is an opportunity to assess if any maintenance is needed.

    Additional meetings may be required if specific issues arise or if a new agreement is being negotiated.

    Do keep in touch with your Natural England Officer on a regular basis and try and organise meetings on the common every few years to assess how the scheme is delivering


  • Minutes

When meetings are held they should be minuted and minutes read at the next meeting or preferably circulated to all members in advance. Action Points to be agreed. Formal minutes are required when changes to banking arrangements are proposed. They are also critical if there are any breaches or penalties.


  • Bookkeeping

    Large amounts of public money are being received by Commons Groups and distributed to the Group’s members. These funds should be well managed by someone competent who has had sufficient training. You are advised to use a professional bookkeeper, land agency or accountancy firm for large agreements (>£25,000 per year).

    Each time a distribution is made all members should receive a copy of the distribution. Full transparency is essential. Each year accounts for the year should be drawn up and independently examined by an accountant.


Distribution principles


Setting Up Your Commons Association for an ELM Agreement