Magic - Compiling Data on Public Goods on Common Land

Compiling Data on Public Goods on Common Land

Step 1: Using Magic’s ‘Site Check’ Facility

  1. Head to

  2. Click the Get Started button

  3. In the search box (top left) type in the name of a village or postcode close to the common

  4. Under the compass Image use the + / - to zoom in / zoom out to find your local area

  5. Under Table of Contents click on the + next to Access and then tick the box for registered common land. This will show common land in green dots with a green boundary line.

  6. Use your mouse to have your common in the centre of the screen. You can check it is your common by clicking the Identify button (i) found in the tools above the map and clicking on the common to check the CL number

  7. Under Table of Contents turn on the following layers – you will see them appear on the screen (you can do other layers but these are a useful starter). Lists can be opened or closed using the + or – next to the title.

    a. Habitats and Species (Untick the ‘other’ box)

    i. Habitats

    ii. Species

    b. Designations (Land Based Designations – Statutory, you may need to untick some unwanted boxes)

    i. SSSI Units

    ii. Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Area

    iii. AONBs and NPs

    c. Designations (Land Based – Historic Statutory- press the + for more options)

    i. Scheduled Ancient Monuments

    d. Countryside Stewardship Targeting

    i. Flood Risk

    e. Landscape – Geology and Soils

    i. Soilscape

    8. On the Top Menu click on site check button (with magnifying glass, 6th from the left)

    9. The Site Check dialogue box will pop up

    a. Click on the polygon shape

    b. Use the mouse to Draw a polygon (shape) that roughly matches the boundary of your common by clicking the line around the boundary.

    c. Tick the “tick to exclude null results”

    d. Click “Perform Site Check” button

    e. A box with all the results will pop up.

    f. This will produce a text based report, you can ‘Print’ this or copy and paste into a word document. (NB it may be a couple of hundred pages long so just leave Word whirring and come back)

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.

Land App overview introduction


Creating Maps from UK Soils Observatory