Useful Links
Whether you're a land manager, a commoner, or simply curious, the following organisations provide valuable insights and practical guidance on common land and commoning.
English Commons Associations
Scottish Crofters
The Scottish Crofting Federationis the only organisation solely dedicated to campaigning for crofters and fighting for the future of crofting.
It is the largest association of small-scale food producers in the UK.
European Networks
The European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP) is a Europe-wide network which raises awareness of the importance of low-intensity farming for nature conservation and aims to improve the way public policies respond to the needs of these farming systems.
The maintenance of 'High Nature Value' farming systems (HNV farmland) - now a central aim of the EU Common Agricultural Policy - raises huge challenges.
The Forum believes that securing a sustainable future for HNV farmland requires addressing a wide range of socio-economic and cultural questions, going far beyond traditional agri-environment policy.
EFNCP is the only organisation which regularly brings together farmers, conservationists, policy makers, researchers and Non-Governmental Organizations
European Shepherd Network is a union of different shepherds and country organisations of Europe aiming to support and enhance pastoralism, and to encourage a social movement.
La Via Campesina is the international movement which brings together millions of peasants, small and medium-size farmers, landless people, women farmers, indigenous people, migrants and agricultural workers from around the world. It defends small-scale sustainable agriculture as a way to promote social justice and dignity. It strongly opposes corporate driven agriculture and transnational companies that are destroying people and nature.