High demand for more information on ELM and Commons- Webinar Follow Up
High demand for more information on ELM and Commons
The Foundation for Common Land and Federation of Cumbria Commoners have hosted their first joint webinar, ‘ELM and Commons what does the future hold?’
The webinar was attended by almost 200 people.
Julia Aglionby provided a summary of the information currently available on reductions in BPS, the new Sustainable Farming Incentive and Local Nature and Landscape Recovery.
Current gaps in information were also highlighted and practical advice offered on what Commoners and landowners can start doing now to prepare for change.
In conjunction with the Federation of Cumbria Commoners work is also underway to deliver one of Defra’s ELM Test and Trials – looking specifically at Commons.
Viv Lewis and Jo Swiers gave an overview of the aims of the Test and Trial – focusing in on valuing Public Goods on Commons as well as the importance of good Governance and decision making. The Test and Trial is working with eight different Commons across England putting together a draft ‘toolkit’ to guide the development and delivery of ELM agreements.
A wide range of questions were posed by participants on both presentations - from setting stocking rates to distributing payments and the functioning of Commons Associations. There was also a strong appetite for more information as soon as possible on the mechanics and timing of ELM.
Further webinars with progress updates are being planned for 2021.
A full recording of the webinar can be viewed here:
Full Recording of ELM Update Webinar
The slides can be viewed below:
ELM and Commons What does the Future Hold?
Introducing our Defra Test & Trial
Questions submitted from the audience can be viewed here: