Our Common Cause partnership update

It is now a year since the development work for this project started in earnest and the work is going well.

Highlights include:

Relationship building and engagement with our Area Facilitators team. They have been working hard with the Local Area Groups to engage a wide range of stakeholders in the Visioning process for each of the 12 commons including meetings and site visits with commoners, landowners and organisations. The visions are starting to take shape.

Undertaking studies to help us better understand the issues including: .

  • Facilitating and drafting the Commons Charter

  • Social Cohesion & Culture Study

  • Peatland & wetland restoration

  • Sustainable management of bracken

  • Funding support

To find out more, please download our update.

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.


Commons Councils


Commoners to receive BPS backpayments