Dartmoor Whinchat and Moorland Breeding Bird Survey


The RSPB is undertaking a new project as part of the Heritage Fund ‘Our Upland Commons’ project. Over the next few months (April – July 2022) we will be exploring the habitat used by certain moorland birds on Dartmoor – whinchat, tree pipit and cuckoo. Specifically, we will look at the habitat for these species where they have remained present, or have been lost, since the late 1970s to see if there is a difference between the two. We hope the findings will help us better understand the habitat needs of these species and that they will be useful in discussions on moorland management.

The project involves sampling vegetation at various points on a wide range of commons so we can get a broad picture across Dartmoor. For many commons, there are very few sampling points.

Limited bird surveys will also form part of the project. We will share the results at the end of the project and are also planning to run a couple of demonstration days in the field to explain the methods in more detail whilst also capturing ideas and experiences of landowners and commoners.

The day-to-day running and data collection aspect of this project will be carried out by Molly Meikle, our Research Assistant. Molly will be working across a wide range of commons so we can get a broad picture across Dartmoor.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Robert Hawkes (Conservation Scientist, robert.hawkes@rspb.org.uk) or Helen Booker (Senior Conservation Officer, helen.booker@rspb.org.uk)

Click here for more information the Our Upland Commons project and Whinchat and Moorland Birds project.

List of Commons being surveyed

Whinchat image credit: Chris Townend


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